Alphabet poster final work

The alphabet poster final work is finished in jpg.

Final work 

This is the final work of the alphabet poster in A3 paper size format.


Screenshot of the poster


Then create an A3 document by file the new document also then print to the A3 portrait.

Blank A3 portrait document.

Arrange the alphabet the document.

Arrange the alphabet the document to A to Z.

The final work of the alphabet poster in A3 paper size.


The final result is good because of the final outcome come out A3 paper size is great also the move the letters around in the poster change the size of the letters on the poster.I would change add more letters of the full of the alphabet of the letters also take more photos of the full alphabet of the letters.I want to recognise the alphabet poster letters because of the great the poster also the alphabet poster look great in the final work of the alphabet poster.I have confidence in my work not only as great because of the love in my work also the work is great in the final result of the final work of the alphabet poster.



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