Unit 1- Recruiting within the industry

Task 1 

Soul Bass

Soul Bass is an  American graphic designer also born 8 May 1920 in Bronx, New York City died on 25 April 1996 at age of 75 years ago in Los Angeles, California, United States (US).

His was born in the household of the Eastern European of the Jewish immigrant parents also in the 1938 Soul married get to Ruth Cooper had they had two children are Robert in 1942 and Andrea in 1946 also had Elaine Makatura Bass 1961–1996 his death of 2 children.

He started goes to the James Monroe High School (Bronx, New York City) then get graduated at the high school also then go studied at the part-time Art Students League in Manhattan of New York. His start to the night class with György Kepes at Brooklyn College(University).

Soul made poster some of the best the most the poster in North America in the including The Man with the Golden Arm in 1955, Otto Preminger also the Storm Center 1956, Daniel Taradash.


Location-Bronx, New York City

Age-75 years ago



The Man with the Golden Arm 1955, Otto Preminger Photo from the http://www.saulbassposterarchive.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/01.jpg

Saul Bass Storm Center Vintage Movie Poster

Storm Center 1956,  Daniel Taradash Photo from http://www.saulbassposterarchive.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/02.jpg


Anatomy of a Murder

Anatomy of a Murder poster film https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatomy_of_a_Murder

Love in the Afternoon 1957 film

Love in the afternoon 1957 Photo from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_in_the_Afternoon_(1957_film)


Notable design that may have influenced or designers

He had to do a film credits on the film.

Typical genre/style

The typical genre/style his work is the very colourful of examples use of the yellow, black blue also the purple use of the different range of colours.

David Carson

David Carson is an American graphic designer, art director and surfing also born 8 September 1963  in Corpus Christi, Texas. His graphic designing scene in America since the 1990s.He is the art director of the magazine Ray Gun magazine.

His did the Star Trek Generations in 1994 did the director the film is a mystery/science fiction film. His work for the skateboarding magazine in 1984 also an American magazine. He got the family spouse Kim Braden is the wife of two children in the family.

He started school goes to the Cocoa Beach High School then go the university for the Sociology at the San Diego State University also did a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Arizona did to week commercial at the University of Arizona did the graphics course university.

Carson made poster some of the best the most the poster in North America in the including the Helvetica movie in 2007  also the Star Trek Generations 1994.

Location-Corpus Christi, Texas

Age-63 years age


Clients-Bose also Audi




Audi exploration 2013 photo from http://www.davidcarsondesign.com/t/clients/
Audi exploration 2013 photo from http://www.davidcarsondesign.com/t/clients/

Notable design that may have influenced or designers

His most designer of the influenced work he had to work.


Typical genre/style

The typical genre/style his work is the use of the squares, typeface also use of the effects the is of space in the designs in his work.

Helvetica movie 2007 photo from http://www.davidcarsondesign.com/top/img/sm.carson.print1.jpg


Star Trek Generations 1994 http://www.impawards.com/1994/posters/star_trek_generations_ver1.jpg

Task 2 

Use of Colour 

The use of colour in The Man with the Golden Arm 1955, Otto Preminger is a range of colours the beige, blue, black also gold to use the film poster.

Use of Colour 

The use of colour in the Star Trek Generations 1994 is a range of colours the outer space is the blue with stars, green, black, pink also white to use the film poster.

Use of shapes

The use of shapes in The Man with the Golden Arm 1955, Otto Preminger is are squares, rectangle to use the film poster.

Use of shapes

The use of shapes in the Star Trek Generations 1994 is are the triangle, pentagon also circles to use the film poster.

Use of typography

The use of typography in The Man with the Golden Arm 1955, Otto Preminger.  is the lettering is Harold Adler to use the film poster.

Use of typography

The use of typography in the Star Trek Generations 1994 is the typeface are serpentine and universe ultra condensed to use the film poster.

Use of imagery

The use of imagery in  The Man with the Golden Arm 1955, Otto Preminger dir. Daniel Taradash is are happy to use the of shapes/colour to use the film poster.

Use of imagery

The use of imagery in the Star Trek Generations 1994 is being lost in the outer space with a spaceship to use the film poster.

Social importance

No Social importance in the Star Trek Generations 1994 also The Man with the Golden Arm 1955.

Design trend and style

The use of design trend and style in The Man with the Golden Arm 1955,  Otto Preminger dir is are the very simple use of shapes to use the film poster.

The use of design trend and style in the Star Trek Generations 1994 is are the very science fiction film is are future film use of angle to use the film poster.

Influence from previous designers 

No from previous designers at the Man with the Golden Arm 1955 Otto Preminger also the Star Trek Generations 1994.

Influence it would have for newer designers 

It may Influence by new because of the get ideas by the new designer.


Soul Bass






David Carson





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