Adobe Illustrator CC experimentation

I used the application is called Adobe Illustrator CC 2018.

Then click on “Create New” button

Then create an A4 document by also then art & illustration to the A3 landscape then create.

Here is a Blank document in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018.


Click on text box

Drag the box out.

Examples text out

I change the workspace to  typography.

I have change the typeface.


I have change the typeface it to “Helvetica” regular.

The test looks like also example text.


Click on curvature tool.

Curvature tool come up.
Curvature tool draw a circle.
Half circle with a curvature tool.
Done the circle with a curvature tool.

The circle come up black is a colour.

I change the workspace to Painting.

Change colour to blue by used the eyedropper tool.


Create a shape

 Click on the shape tool.


Cross with create the shape.

Circle create by the shape.

Before blue colour oval shape.


After green colour oval shape.


Pencil tool

Click on pencil


Then pencil tool.


pencil tool come up

Pencil tool line

Pencil tool near the circle.
Circle shape is done

Click on appearance change the stoke to 2pt.


Then colour need.


Added colour green.



Switch back to essentials classic

Click on layers.


Layers look like.

Eye is for shown the layer or not shown the layer.

Final the not shown the layer.

Final click on File to Export the artwork.


Export windows chosen png or jpg.


Export expand windows

Click on ok.


Final version blog.

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