Type specimen poster Didot typeface -final

I create the type specimen poster Didot typeface the final also the final poster in A3 poster.

I used the application is called Adobe InDesign CC 2019 this month(October) update come out yesterday (Monday 15th October 2018).

Welcome to InDesign

Then create an A3 document by “Create New” also then print to the A3 portrait.

Create New
Create New
New document

Then click on create.

This is a blank document.

Adding girds 

Click on Layout

Then Create guides

After clicking on Create guides with the preview box.

I did create guides with three rows / five columns and check preview box.

The guides on the page.

Adding text

Click on type tool (T)

This text tool ready to draw the box.
I did draw the text box.
Put the texts in the text box.


Before changing the typeface.
Change the typeface to Didot to regular.
Change is done the texts
Change the text to italic.
Change the text to italic.
Change the text to bold.

Change the text to bold.


Put more texts on the right of the page.

Pen tool & pencil tool

Click on the pen tool
Pen tool active
Pen tool has done
Z is done with the pen tool.
Click on the pencil tool
Pencil tool active
Pencil tool has done
2 is done with a pencil.


Draw the d and i

The line for d letter.

Circle pencil tool

I did select the shapes.

Then join them together.

 Click on rectangle tool (M)

Click on ellipse tool (L)

Ready to do the ellipse.


The circle is an ellipse.

The circle is an ellipse is done.

Finish circle

Doing the i.

Finish the shape.

Circle by pencil tool
Draw a pencil tool


Then did select the shapes.


After grouping the shapes.

Done the grouping the shapes.


Group to together


The group button.

After rearranged in place.


4567 numbers to do


Draw the four

Finish four


Draw the five


Finish five



Draw the six and seven.

Finish six and seven.


Draw eight, g  & 0
Start to draw eight
Start draw g


Start draw 0
To join lines to together

Click on join.


Finish g


Finish eight, g  & 0


Text box for the texts.

Click on type tool (T)

This text tool ready to draw the box.

Here is a text box for hold the texts.

Before changing the typeface.
Change the typeface to Didot to regular.

Copy and paste the text from the blog post “Didot typeface“.

Select all the text first then ⌘CMD + C to copy.

Then ⌘CMD + V to paste.

The font size is 12pt.
Change the font size is 18pt.

Redline box ready to drag the text out.

Text after red line box.


After the drag the box out also the box big of text.

Rearranged the text box in place.

This is Essentials workspace.

Change the typography workspace.

Click on the paragraph.

The hyphenate is on. 

Click on the hyphenate button is off.

Doing another shape to draw.

Click on the pen tool


Pen tool active

Line by pen tool.

Done the shape.

Draw by pencil tool.

Done the half circle.

Then select shapes to the group.


Click on group them.


Paris, 1784 text.

Click on type tool (T)


Blank text box

Add Paris in the text box.

Change the typeface and the 48pt.

Add text box.

Add text in the text box.

Change the typeface and the 48pt.

Rotate the text around.


Add one number.


Add four the number.


Select the numbers.


Change the tracking.


Change the tracking to 200.


Click on ellipse tool (L)

Ready to draw the circle.
Draw the circle.

Done the circle.


Draw the t.

Click on the pencil tool



Ready to draw.

Draw the t.

The t is done now.

The t line arrow the t.

Draw the box for the t.

The box is done.

The t is done.


Adding Firmin Didot 1799

Click on type tool (T)

This text tool ready to draw the box.

Add a text box.

Add text inside the text box.

Change the typeface.

Change font size to the 12 to 28pt.

Then did press ⌥ Alt drag use the mouse to copy it.

After did put the change the text to Firmin.

Then did press ⌥ Alt drag use the mouse to copy it.

After did put the change the text to numbers to 1799.

All done the texts now.

Final colour

First  Click Windows to Colour to Swatches F5.

This is swatches panel

Then click on paper.

This is the swatches options

After add colour on the background.

Use CMYK 0 0 0 21 light grey.

Press OK


Select all the shapes first.

The stroke from 1pt.

Change the stroke to 2pt.

The shape is stroke now.

All the stroke is done the shapes.

Adding to the shapes.

There is two-way fill colour.

One way 

Select all the shapes first.

Click on fill.

Fill windows come out.

Chosen colour to the shapes.

Second way 

Select all the shapes first.

This is the swatches panel.

Chosen colour to the shapes.


Select the circle outside shapes first.

Chosen colour to the shapes.

Circle full colour.

Click on arrange.

Then send to back.

All the colour is done now.

Export to as PDF

First click on file then export ⌘ E.

Then click on the arrow to expand the window.

After saving it to documents also named it “Type specimen poster Didot typeface” then save button.

Export Adobe PDF clicks on Export.

I have a problem the background export out the white background.

You need to remove the background from the Final colour part.

Is an article online about the background export out the white background?

Why is my background white when exported as PDF in InDesign?

Final work in PDF document

Type specimen poster Didot typeface 


I choose the idea because my ideas from pinterest.co.uk the type specimen poster get inspire ideas another poster of the Didot typeface then done four sketches of different ideas on A4 paper. After did design in the sketch in the A4 sketchbook design uses a range of material I used are the A4 sketchbook, pencil also a fineliner pen to get the outline of the shapes/texts in the A4 paper. I did fold the A4 paper in four ideas different ideas on the A4 paper. From the layout sketches to the design to create the poster did put three colours in the poster in the final design. I only going forward one idea from the layout sketches of the different ideas for the type specimen poster of the Didot typefaces. The only problem with it is the background export out the white background then I fix it works now. The new idem is the four moves to the 178 to 1784 it is fixed now. The final result is very great because of the final outcome come out A3 paper size in Adobe InDesign is great also uses of the stroke of black also the grey background to yellow shapes. I would change the colours in the poster also change the design of arranging the poster. I want to recognise the type specimen poster because of the great poster I did. I have confidence in my work not only as very great because of the love in my work also the work is great in the final result of the final work of the type specimen poster. It does it relate to the research because I did research on Didot typeface of the history of the typeface to the examples been used to use the of the typeface also it is used in text been used in the poster the body of the text.

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