Target audience research


The demographics are the age of the person, the gender of the person, the race of the person the family background, the location of the person where they live the location(City, Town, Village) also the employment status of the person for work in the office.


The psychographics is the personality the social class, lifestyle also the personality of the person. The values are the important person. The attitudes are the positive view also the negative point of view. The interests are the like learn the interests of works. The lifestyle is the way of the life of the style.



The socioeconomic are the:

A: Upper middle class-the higher management, bankers, lawyers, doctors and other the professionals

B: Middle class-the middle management, teachers, creative and media people e.g. graphic designers etc.

C1: Lower middle class-the office supervisors, junior managers, nurses, specialist clerical staff – white collar staff.

C2: Skilled working class-the skilled manual workers, plumbers. builders -blue collar staff.

D: Working class-the semi-skilled also the unskilled manual workers.

E: People at the lowest of the income.-unemployed, students, pensioners, casualworkers.

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