Task 4-darkest hour film poster final work

I going to create the final poster of the darkest hour final poster to make.

I create the film poster the final it will be the A3 paper size in portrait, needs 300 DPI (Dots per inch), CMYK (C  for cyan aqua, M for magenta (pink), Y for yellow, and K for Key).use typeface and use to colours.

I used the application is called Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 to create the poster.

Final work in PDF document

Darkest hour Film poster final work-cap

Final work in jpg document

Darkest hour film poster final work experimentation

Here is the film poster final work experimentation I did and the link above in the head click on the head.


I choose the idea because my idea from many poster on google images ideas of the poster the darkest hour film poster get inspire ideas another poster from the google images. After did the design in the 30 thumbnail sketches in the sketch in the A4 sketchbook design. I did an three unfinished digital experimentations then I did one idea from the three unfinished digital experimentations after did design the big version in the A4 sketch book then create in the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018. I only going forward one idea from the three unfinished digital experimentations for the darkest hour film poster. The only problem with it is the draw the Winston Churchill with the computer mouse I would next time used a drawing tablet to the Winston Churchill person. I would change the colours in the poster and put colour the Winston Churchill  person. I improve the computer mouse but I prefer to used the drawing tablet for the person. The final result is great because of the final outcome come out A3 paper size of the 300 DPI  is great and I can design the poster then create in the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 the final poster of the A3 poster. I would change the different the colours of the final poster then add more text under the title of the above the darkest hour. The final poster of the darkest hour is great of final poster I have made in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018. I want to recognise the darkest hour film poster is because I made used the pen tool in the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018, used the shapes in the create the poster and used the text of the poster. It good poster because really done with the computer mouse in the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 software. I have confidence in my work not only as very great because of the love in my work of the poster and the work is great in the final result of the final work of the darkest hour film poster. The colours been used yellow , blue and the black outline. The typeface been used ENCODE SANS  is from the font squirrel.I change the caps on the title of the poster before is the caps of the poster.


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