Task 2-Evaluation of the process, skills used and the final product

My evaluation of the process, the skills used and the final product (Digital audiobook book cover.)

The what well is the used different equipment like the graphics tablet, pen tool in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018, the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 & mouse to pen tool a bit.

The skills I have learned is the used the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and the software Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 illustration the book cover in the software and learned used the equipment design.

The process I have been used learned is to take screenshots of production in the software the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018  and the different process scan book cover in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 of beginning the product to the final product.

The techniques I have used tools in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 like the pen tool and the graphics tablet pen to draw the book cover.

The style I have used lots of colours in the book and the different shapes in the book cover.

The target audience of the book cover it would be young children for the book cover and use the book. The age rating of the product is the children and but for 3 months to 5-year-olds. It is for the male/female of the product to use.

The final product I have been an illustration in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 each the draw the vectors of the book cover in the software the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018.T hen illustration in software the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and I used a mouse, graphics tablet use the pen tool. The final of illustration did export at A4 landscape to RGB RGB  (red, green, and blue) to JPEG format.

The did not work well is the may next time traced the scanned image is better to use the pen tool in the software the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and my next work on the better for the illustration. Last did not work well the broom head draw and the moon dark colours.

The quality of the final work of the book cover because it would the good book cover of it comes to the quality of the book cover.

I would improve next time illustration to draw the pen tool carefully with the graphics tablet and the mouse to use better next time. The next improvement would be the illustration the book cover for the digital audiobook the illustration in the software the Adobe Illustrator CC 2018. I would next time used different colours and different the broom head draw.

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