Task 2-Final cover designs for digital audiobook

I have an illustration three 1/2 days of the digital audiobook the final the illustration book cover.

This my process of your my recording for the product of the digital audiobook.

I used the application is called Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 to illustration the book cover and the final digital audiobook.

I used a mouse with the pen tool and move around the artboard. I used a graphics tablet to draw the illustration book cover with the pen tool and the pen in the graphics tablet.

I have traced around the scan book cover in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018.

This is my start my illustration of the digital audiobook book cover of the artboards

cmd + N new document A4 landscape RGB.

I am drawing the moon right side with grey/line and layers tab.

I am putting moon marks on the moon right side.

I next put in the line for the ground with the trees above.

I am drawing the drawing the tree with the mouse.

Pen tool (P)

I finish the tree with the pen tool and the black lines.

I finish the tree with the pen tool and the black lines with the layers tab.

I am drawing the drawing the tree with the graphics tablet with the pen.

Pen tool (P)

Cose up the black lines with the tree.

Finish tree and nearly finish the black lines.

After finish the black lines and the tree.

Before the tree nearly finish.

After finish the tree and the black lines.

I finish the witch on the broom is need colour.

Close up witch face now.

I am putting the colour on the grass is green/bright green.

I am putting the colour on the trees is brown/green.

I am putting the colour on the witch/star and the yellow/black in colour.

The finish digital audiobook book cover and I exported A4 paper size in RGB  (red, green, and blue).

I add the colour in the top background is blue sky in the sky.

Failed attempt

Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at 12.30.36.png

This is my failed attempts to try the pen tool shape.

Alternative Version

Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at 12.35.22.png

I did put shape within a black shape colour in the version.



This is exported version but extra page end of the artboards.

This is exported version but it is pixled the artboards.

This is exported version it is no pixeled and the exported A4 paper size in RGB  (red, green, and blue).

I exported it is a jpeg image in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 in RGB


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