Evaluation of my product prototype-Task 3

I am an evaluation of my product prototype good elements, good practice, target audience, areas for improvement and software used etc.


The good elements of the product prototype would be the draw of each part of the nodes in eko and the other elements I put colour in the each the draw in node eko. It some drawn to scale in size and the not some of the scale of the drawn it will be improved next time in the product.

It is good practice of the product prototype it would design the nodes drawn as a design the drawn in the product and create the product as the design. It another one of the good practice is the Interactive media as you create the media side has put the images in video editing software export as video format and then put in the product.

The target audience of the product prototype it would be young children as an adult help to read product some words hard to read need to read hard words. The age rating of the product is the children and but for 3 months to 5-year-olds. It is for the male/female of the product to use. 

The areas for improvement of the product prototype would be big of the scale drawing of A4 scale drawing into eko would better and the drawing of the product of the book. I would next time add music in the background music used loyal free background music. I would sort the time of each of the nodes in the product. I have problems with eko with the original project had to create a new project be start from scratch new project would be version 2 of the project in eko.

The software used of the product prototype would be studio hello eko it is good interactive the product to click the buttons to the next nodes to screen and the software is media product is based on online works in the web browser (Google Chrome. It works by Adobe Flash player and it is ending support of Adobe Flash player in 2020 of life of the flash.

I have problems with studio hello eko of the product prototype would be an original project not loading to preview I had to send a tweet and college email to them and the published the project (eko? 500).

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