Widely ,past , present and future -Task 1

I have look at the theme “Widely, past, present and future” in task 1.

This is the breaking down of each one


The widely is the large area of the space, the wide space, the many places and many people.


The past is the period of time, events what happened, the time lapse of time and the beyond in the time.


The present is the now, period of time, now, today, current, present day and the time.


The future is near the future, a period of time, time, later time, will happen, later and the exits.


Here is the mind map of Widely, past, present and future

I have been looking at the theme of the “Widely, past, present and future” in mind map form of this.

I have to make a spread the mind map into the “Widely, past, present and future”.


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