The planning of the FMP

The planning of the FMP in the project :


  • About the 6 May 2019 the week, I will start pre-production of the ideas.
  • I will take photos in about 11  and 12 May 2019 the weekend will use my own camera taken photos. I will start the production of the idea. I will across my mac laptop and the college mac as well.
  • I will be using the Adobe software and the Mac computers as well.
  • The materials I used the paper base, digital base, Mac computers and the Adobe software will be used.
  • I will be drawing the layout/design of the final.
  • I will start the production to the post-production of the idea that is the 13 May 2019.


  • In general would four pages in the frame about A4 size.
  • About would four pages in paper format and digital as well.
  • Hand hold paper format they have look at.
  • Although use different paper kind: card normal paper.
  • In general would four pages in the frame about A3 size the people can see it.
  • Double-sided all the four pages.
  • Hold the paper with the paper stand.




Plan locations and photoshoots

  • In general, I have plan locations by the Saturday 11th May 2019 in Broadstairs final photoshoots.
  • Although I have plan locations by the Sunday 12th May 2019 in Margate final photoshoots.
  • Secondly, I will plan locations by the Monday 13th May 2019 in Stone Bay, Joss Bay, Kingsgate Bay and Botany Bay final photoshoots.
  • Finally the plan locations by the Tuesday 13th May 2019 in Ramsgate final photoshoots.
  • All the locations Saturday/Sunday get there by car.
  • All the locations Monday get their by walked from home to Stone bay to all the three and the locations.
  • All the locations Tuesday get their by walked from college to Ramsgate to the locations.


  • In a nutshell, the  photo shoot is done and I have decided on a digital layout now is done


Examples of magazine articles 

Here is the text but I will little edit it and change to I a bit.

Here at the very edge of the Garden of England, three Georgian and Victorian resorts, each with its own distinctive character – MargateBroadstairs and Ramsgate – cluster around the bays at the far end of the peninsula. There’s a retro feel to these harbour towns, miles of low chalk cliffs edge the peninsula, sheltering a string of secluded, unspoilt sandy bays. For the ultimate experience, you can cycle or hike on the Viking Coastal Trail, along a stunning shoreline and through tranquil lanes. 

Change afterwords

In my view, retro touch to these harbour towns miles of low chalk cliffs edges the half-island and sheltering unspoilt sandy bays. For the ultimate experience, you can cycle or hike on the Viking Coastal Trail and along a stunning shoreline and through tranquil lanes.

Here is the text but I will little edit it and change to I a bit.

One of our most photographed bays, Botany Bay is famous. This hidden gem offers stunning views of white cliffs and beautiful chalk stacks.

When the tide is out, Botany Bay is a great location for fossil hunting and exploring rock pools. There is plenty of exposed sand to enjoy when the tide is in, but due to the bay’s shape the ends are cut off at high tide.

Change afterwords

Although the Botany Bay is the most photographed place is the famous place. This is stunning views of white cliffs and beautiful chalk stacks. The Botany Bay has fossil hunting and exploring rock pools and the bay shape ends cut off at high tide.

Here is the text but I will little edit it and change to I a bit.

Head to Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate to learn, discover and do something new. Whether you’re curious, creative or active, there’s an Isle of Thanet event for you.

Change afterwords

Leading to Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate to learn, explore and do being advanced. If you are curious, creative or active, near is an Isle of Thanet events for you.

Here is the text but I will little edit it and change to I a bit. I will use both texts a bit mix and match.

Perhaps being so close to Europe helps infuse Ramsgate with a cosmopolitan vibe. A bustling Royal harbour borders a yacht-packed marina, awash with history and overflowing with continental charm, it’s a must-see historic port.

The historic waterfront of Ramsgate has a lively cosmopolitan feel. Select an alfresco café, sip a drink and see the yachts bobbing in the picturesque marina – this Cinque Port is the only ‘Royal Harbour’ in the country. Enjoy sandy bays alongside a working marina

Change afterwords

The historic waterfront of Ramsgate is base in Uk in Europe it has a vibe in Ramsgate. There are Royal harbour borders for yacht filledmarina lots of history. It has Cinque Port of ‘Royal Harbour’ and pick an taste a drink and to the pubs there.

Here is the text but I will little edit it and change to I a bit.


My texts here.

I would use.

Source texts from &

Photo by Marlon

Designs by Marlon

Icon made from

Maps by


Digital version

I look at   for digital publishing.

Secondly would better PDF for the digital and html formart.

Finally could be export PDF to digital publishing website to another option.


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