Reflective Visual Journal -Task 1

This is the Reflective Visual Journal for the FMP (Final Major Project).

Thursday 21 Murch 2019

The day of Thursday 21 Murch 2019 I did a mind map in A3 of the project creative ideas of the theme is power. What specialist area in is graphic design and the software used the project. I did find out doing in my mind map. I did spend this task thee hour 35 minutes

Friday 22 Murch 2019

The day of Friday 22 Murch 2019 I did a mood board but I did Inspiration board for fashion create ideas I have no ideas yet still and I am working on the ideas of the final idea. I did spend one hour.

Wednesday 27 Murch 2019

The day of Wednesday 27 Murch 2019 I did my FMP write my targets in the handbook need to do. I did finish FMP my targets in the handbook. I make an ideal developed for the graphics design which ideas and the path to take the ideas I got development. I did spend two hours there task. I have re another mood board my final idea of the project. I did spend one hours there task.

Thursday 28 March 2019

In this day Thursday 28 March 2019 I did take photos in the early morning of about eight magazine front covers and it is the range of magazines covers look at. This morning I took photos of a car photo while a walk to college for my primary research/experimentation. It is for my primary research and then I will write this in my blog post about the magazine covers. I look at elements of art and the principle art in for the primary research. I did spend two hours there task

Friday 29 March 2019

In this day Friday 29 March 2019 I did do the project proposal in task three to write the proposal and I did at college at four hours seven minutes at home 51 minutes and all total the day four hours fifty-eight minutes in this proposal so far yet.

Sunday 31 March 2019

In this day Sunday 31 March 2019 I did do the catch up with the reflective visual journal the since Friday 29 March 2019 the other days. I have done experimentation with the magazine in the tracing paper and then will transfer to paper afterwards. I did spend roughly on/of times two hours ish.

Monday 1 April 2019

In this day Monday 1 April 2019, I did do the upload/update/post it on the blog an Inspiration board for fashion. I did spend five minutes. I have project proposal done all nine black boxes now and I did spend 57-minutes. I did do the project proposal now the whole document now and they did spend 58 minutes in the task.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

In this day Tuesday 2 April 2019, I did do the took about ten photos of the 4×4, trains and coffee beans vehicle for my primary research/experimentation while walk back from college and I get wet take the photos. I did do the start the FMP (Final Major Project) presentation added five pages and did the two of the pages is done. I did spend 1 hour, 44 minutes on the task.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

In this day Wednesday 3 April 2019, I did do the continue the FMP (Final Major Project) presentation and I did spend 03 hours, 56 minutes on the task to finish the task I has finished tracing experimentation on the A4 paper using the pencil and then transfer it over to the paper. I did spend 25 minutes on the task. This evening I have done experimentation with the IKEA catalogue in the fine paper and then will transfer to paper afterwards. I did spend roughly on/of times two hours ish. This evening did draw IKEA typeface on to graph paper.

Thursday 4 April 2019

In this day Thursday 4 April 2019, I did do the update put the mind map in the FMP (Final Major Project) presentation and then take notes for the presentation in the Microsoft Word/OneNote and final I have export finished the presentation in PDF. I did more Primary researches to finish. I have finished Primary researches now and now put Primary researches from the experimentation did Tuesday 2 April 2019. This evening finish did draw IKEA typeface on to graph paper to scan to the computer to Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 trace around my version of the experimentation.

Friday 5 April 2019

In this day Friday 5 April 2019, I did do the upload the experimentation of the draw IKEA typeface on to graph paper in different Adobe software like the example Illustrator and Indesign. I did my FMP (Final Major Project) presentation did well, needs to idea improvement the target audience, the project proposal improves an idea to local not the world. To use my graphic design and my photography in the magazine. I did the secondary research from the online put in the secondary research blog post.

Monday 8 April 2019

In this day Monday 8 April 2019, I did do the collect more primary research into the sketchbook by paper research and walk to Broadstairs I live to collect then stick in the sketchbook

Wednesday 10 April 2019

In this day Wednesday 10 April 2019, I did do the look typeface from the Sunday times newspaper stick in the sketchbook then annotate in a sketchbook.

Thursday 11 April 2019

In this day Thursday 11 April 2019, I did do the collect more primary research of the map of the Broadstairs into the sketchbook then stick in the sketchbook.

Saturday 13 April 2019

In this day Saturday 13 April 2019, I did do the layout of a magazine to draw in a sketchbook is called Lonely Planet.

Sunday 14 April 2019

In this day Sunday 14 April 2019, I did do another layout of a magazine to draw in a sketchbook is called EasyJet.Look at the stencils drawn and the hand-drawn use different colours. I look to filmed a magazine all the magazine to post youtube unlisted post and for the layouts of the magazine.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

In this day Wednesday 24 April 2019, I did do put the magazine youtube unlisted post to the primary research. I did a post about the Ideas for Graphic Design-Which? pathway I have the experiment magazine-Scouting on the blog post.

Thursday 25 April 2019

In this day Thursday 25 April 2019, I did do collected primary research (in the hand) in the primary research blog post and I did a map of the Broadstairs blog post in primary research blog post. I did post the experiment magazine-Scouting on the blog post. I have done the experiment catalogue -IKEA. I have done the experiment with IKEA typeface. I have done experiment with The Sunday Times typeface is done now. I have done the experiment layout with a lonely plant magazine. I have done the experiment layout with Easyjet magazine. I have done the Stencils experiments letters. I update the project proposal final of it and I have done. I am making a brochure about four pages and add a map on it. I did put in Google Maps link to the Thanet District area I live in.

Friday 26 April 2019

In this day Friday 26 April 2019, I did do the correct the project proposal my words are correct. I did reword my words to make sense of the words. I use a program to get the speak the words to me and the words make sense. I did take 3 hours 35 minutes to do the correct the project proposal.

Monday 29 April 2019

In this day Monday 29 April 2019, I did do the continue the correct the project proposal of my words and I used the learning tools to speak out. I did take 2 hours 26 minutes to do the continue correct the project proposal. I did a mind map of the widely, past, present and future about the research and done.

Tuesday 30 April 2019

In this day Tuesday 30 April 2019, I did do the finished it the corrects the project proposal of my words and I used them to learning tools to speak out. did take 30 minutes to do the continue correct the project proposal.

Wednesday 01 May 2019

In this day Wednesday 01 May 2019, I did go to the London media trip in Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition at the Design Museum Kensington High Street, London been I take photos.

Thursday 02 May 2019

In this day Thursday 02 May 2019, I did go to the upload the Project Proposal – Task 3 to the blog post. I did Investigations into designers, may relate initial ideas and theme -Task 1 in the blog post and finish it. I update experimentations add more info. I did a SWOT ANALYSIS for task 2.

Friday 03 May 2019

In this day Friday 03 May 2019, I did go to the upload/finish the SWOT ANALYSIS of task 2.I did update the Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition images. I have look at the layouts in my sketchbook for the pages about four pages. I put the planning in the blog post. I did/finish Evaluate of your idea development from task 1 in the blog post.

Tuesday 07 May 2019

In this day Tuesday 07 May 2019, I did the contact sheet of travel I have collected do it in Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 into the software.

Wednesday 08 May 2019

In this day Wednesday 08 May 2019, I did the three layouts for the brochure development I have been in my sketchbook and then I have chosen one I like then that one is the final one final design/create the brochure. I have a print the contact sheet of travel to in my sketchbook then annotate it.

Thursday 09 May 2019

In this day Thursday 09 May 2019, I did the layout for the brochure development annotate notes in the blog post and finish the blog post. I did do the locations shooting sketch for the photos for the main beach town and the bay beach in the area I did finish it as well.

Friday 10 May 2019

In this day Friday 10 May 2019, I did update the layout for the brochure development because of update the “Choose final layout” in the blog post.

Saturday 11 May 2019

In this day Saturday 11 May 2019, I took final photos in Broadstairs it takes about the 1 hour, 26 minutes took photos in Broadstairs. I stick the health and safety regulations all times.

 Sunday 12 May 2019

In this day Sunday 12 May 2019, I took final photos in Margate it takes about the 2 hours, 0 minutes took photos in Margate. I stick the health and safety regulations all times.

Monday 13 May 2019

In this day Monday 13 May 2019, I took final photos in Stone Bay, Joss Bay Kingsgate Bay and Botany Bay it takes about the 2 hours, 33 minutes took photos in locations. I walked from home to Stone bay to all the three, locations. I stick the health and safety regulations all times.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

In this day Tuesday 13 May 2019, I took final photos in Ramsgate it takes about the 45 minutes taking photos in locations. I walked from college to Ramsgate and walked back home.I stick the health and safety regulations all times.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

In this day Wednesday 15 May 2019, I did the contact sheet of locations I have been to I have collected do it in Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 into the software.

Thursday 16 May 2019

In this day Thursday 16 May 2019, I did start the create the software in Adobe InDesign and look at icons for transports. I have only put the layout in the pages and the maps in the pages and put the transports methods add icons to it.

Friday 17 May 2019

In this day Friday 17 May 2019, I did continue with the final outcome and have feedback from the tutor to improve my work.

Next, do print and stick layout in my sketchbook.

Write ideas for Graphic design which on paper to print and stick in my sketchbook.

Improve seven hands drawing to print and stick in my sketchbook.

I have also stuck the contact sheets in my sketchbook and the key example yes, maybe, test shot and no by pen colour pen each the contact sheets

Finally did do start the shot list from the feedback page form the tutor. I didn’t finish it yet and will over a few days.

Sunday 19 May 2019

In this day Sunday 12 May 2019, I did do extra colour swatches for FMP blog post and the colour been used in the outcome of the FMP. It takes about 13 hours and 0 seconds.

Monday 20 May 2019

In this day Monday 20 May 2019, I did do continue shot List -magazine adds the locations there and with the shot list example: Shot #, Scene #, Short description, Framing, etc and update the shot List today.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

In this day Tuesday 21 May 2019, I did do re-update the layout for the brochure development, then did create a blog post for the shot list magazine, finish the wireframe magazine InDesign now, create a blog post for the wireframe magazine and export the wireframe magazine now. I start the wireframe for magazines in different software the blog post and starting to write the annotate in the blog post.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

In this day Wednesday 22 May 2019, I did time to finish the wireframe for magazines in different software. I about finish the wireframe for magazines in different software in the blog post. I did finish the Shot List -a magazine for FMP in the blog post and publish the post. I did look at my contact sheet cross out no wants and yes the photo is used.

Thursday 23 May 2019

In this day Thursday 23 May 2019, I did continue the final version of the FMP for the paper base and make logo sketch some. I did try maps edit in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 also did try image trace in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018. Finally did make try logo for the magazine in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018. I edit the final photos it about four images but edit in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 change my mind it changes the software more professional software is called Adobe Lightroom Classic CC more photography use this to edit now on.

Friday 24 May 2019

In this day Friday 24 May 2019, I did continue the final version of the FMP for the paper base until 13:30 on Friday. Put lots of text in the brochure on the other hand source the text from & did make a final logo for the magazine in Adobe Illustrator CC 2018.*Missing here I think*

Half term

Friday 24 May 2019 rest afternoon to Saturday 1 June 2019 I am away on a half term. I have no access laptop and only mobile phone for the little for the reflective visual journal -task 1.

Sunday 2 June 2019

In this day Sunday 2 June 2019, I did do the annotated contact sheets from the final photos it takes about 2 hours, 29 minutes do the annotated contact sheets printed/stick in a sketchbook.

I did do finish design of the logo sketch for magazine /finish final logo design.

Monday 3 June 2019

In this day Monday 3 June 2019, I did do the annotated logo sketch for magazine /finish from it takes about 2 hours, 15 minutes do the annotated logo sketch for magazine /finish printed/stick in a sketchbook.

I did do the start the task 4 for the Research, Experimentation and development -Task 4 nearly finish and did do the type of research is done

Tuesday 4 June 2019

In this day Tuesday 4 June 2019, I did do the make survey for task 4 and two collecting data.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

In this day Wednesday 5 June 2019, I did do the collecting data for the survey for task 4 is done has a table/numbers in a blog post. I did do the for all research, you should reflect on is done.

I did continue the final version of the FMP for the paper base but put sources information of the magazine.

Thursday 6 June 2019

In this day Thursday 6 June 2019, I did continue the final version of the FMP for the paper base but make a digital version, make an A3 size of the magazine ready to print. I teacher advice to print A3 size of the magazine and my align/layout is wrong. I did make a make an A3 size did not goes well but print A4 to A3 size I think.

Friday 7 June 2019

In this day Friday 7 June 2019, I did do update the reflective visual journal -task 1 this morning/afternoon. I do the Test print out the magazine in the blog post.

This afternoon, I did continue the final version of the FMP for the paper base with move the texts boxes in layout in-line with other texts box. I used the ruler to move the layout in-line other boxes. Another reason I used columns in Indesign to the layout of the texts boxes and images of the magazine. I did change the front cover to the back cover because the more space to use around and put the logo bigger as well I will continue this in evening/night.

This evening/night I did continue the final version of the FMP for the paper base and finish it as well but sent email to tutor in the format is the PDF. I did move text around front cover/back cover and move text in the two-page spread. Finally, spell check the words in the final magazine.

Saturday 8 June 2019

This night I did the updated planning of the FMP some bits to update: Plan location and photoshoots and Another photoshoot once you have decided on a digital layout are updated now.

Sunday 9 June 2019

This night I did the updated/publish the Potential artists to research- Task 2 but another influential designer to go left.

Monday 10 June 2019

This evening I did the revise on GCSE Maths paper 3 and l look at another influential designer this evening as well. Secondly, the parcel arrived for the final FMP it is the brochure holder for A4 size.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

This morning I did the take the on GCSE Maths paper 3 is no FMP in the morning.

This afternoon I did the parcel arrived for the final FMP it is another large plastic acrylic perspex bookplate stand, holder for A3 size.

Secondly, l try to look at another influential designer this evening as well did not goes well.

Finally, I did do update the reflective visual journal -task 1 this evening as well.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

This morning I did the look at another *influential designer in graphic designers a make notes in the word document*.

In this morning as well did the setting up / hang work for the end of the show 2019 at the Joseph Wales Studios and put the final result in the brochure holder for A4 size on the wood exhibition stand. I did paint any scratches any there and then take photos for the blog post/sketchbook. I didn’t use the large plastic acrylic perspex bookplate stand, holder for A3 size because the only have one of the paper in A4 that is good. The final result in A4 double spread page in the matte paper, on the other hand, I am very happy the final result in a very good result.

This morning/afternoon until Lunchtime I did * finish the make note of the influential designer in graphic designers now to chosen to next designers.

This afternoon I did * influential designer in graphic designers now I chosen to next designers in from the notes narrow down to two. I start the second of the influential designer in graphic designers and I will finish tonight/tomorrow as well.

Finally, the evening I have the end of the show 2019 at the Joseph Wales Studios goes well and it is my family come as well include the cousins one of the themes is the artist.

Thursday 13 June 2019

This morning I did the update the reflective visual journal -task 1 from yesterday. Time to finish the second of the influential designer in graphic designers to today as well near the finish. I have finished the Potential artists to research- Task 2 of the influential designers is done now. Next steps are the look at my feedback and assessment sheet highlights what to do I am doing “Update and correct evidence to be clear and structured” of the blog posts need to do. I have finished the “Update and correct evidence to be clear and structured” now. Next is the Self-evaluation on own images I did some.

This afternoon I did finish the Self-evaluation on own images and I have finished the Self-evaluation on own images now. I have print the layout for my sketchbook that is the STA brochure.

This evening I did prepare for layout for my sketchbook that is the STA brochure because cut out ready stick in tomorrow.

Friday 14 June 2019

This morning I did then layout for STA brochure in my sketchbook then stick in the sketchbook afterwards annotation it in my sketchbook finally visual research on the STA brochure in my sketchbook. I have finished the Layout on STA brochure with visual research today and finish the feedback and assessment sheet now.

This afternoon I did start the production of work-Task 6 of the blog post, did final photos for the FMP-Task 6, final logo for the FMP-Task 6. I have finished the production of work-Task 6.

I have started the exhibition-Task 7 of the blog post, experimentation for the FMP of the blog post and Mockup of the brochure blog post.

Saturday 15 June 2019

This afternoon I did visit the On Point exhibition. Level 3 Graphic Design did go it but it is closed because at 1500. We went to the UCA   for the exhibition at the UCA Rochester Graduation Show 2019 students works. I did see follow exhibition is the :

  • BA (Hons)Fashion Photography
  • BA (Hons)Photography
  • BA (Hons) Silversmithing, Goldsmithing & Jewellery
  • BA (Hons)Computer Animation Arts
  • BA (Hons)Fashion Textiles: Print
  • BA (Hons)Fashion Media & Promotion
  • BA (Hons)Fashion Design
  • Further Education: Fine Art
  • Further Education: Fashion & Textiles
  • Further Education: Three Dimensional Practice
  • Further Education: Visual Communication
  • Further Education: Moving Image & Photography
  • Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology


I went here very inspired works there, the standard is high is there, inspired there to my work and the finally inspired to the personal project similar to my work.

Sunday 16 June 2019

This afternoon I did the printing for my sketchbook in task 7 for exhibition and there are the printing out: leaflet brought on Amazon order.

Monday 17June 2019

This afternoon I did the try 3D drawing a for the exhibition mockup look up and did not go wall.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

This afternoon I did the update the reflective visual journal -task 1 from today/yesterday.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

This morning I did the re-update the exhibition-Task 7 on the blog post is finished and then did the mock-up of the brochure for FMP of paper base first.

This afternoon I did the mock-up of the brochure for FMP of tablet view of it and the mobile phone of it views different versions have made.

Another thing I did near the finish interactive pdf (digital) export in PDF and I finish the interactive pdf (digital). Update the Production of work-Task 6 “Final work in exported” add in “Final version digital V3” in the blog post.

Thursday 20 June 2019

This morning I did the software experimentation for the FMP different way in the software from the photos, logo & final result in the software. I have finished the software experimentation now.

Secondly, add more production of work-Task 6 like the copyright icons I used I add links in the blog post and I have finished the add links in the blog post.

Afterwards, I did the start group critique-Task 5 in the blog post and my one my tutor said feedback my final version.

This afternoon I did the finished group critique-Task 5 in the blog post. Last task to do the evaluation in task 8 of in the FMP on my other hand continue this rest of the afternoon until 1700 ish.

Friday 21 June 2019 (Last day & deadline day)

Today is the last day in the project and hand in the project time.

This morning I did the evaluation in task 8 of the FMP in the project. I update the “the planning of the FMP” of this as well.

This afternoon I did the continue with the evaluation in task 8 of the FMP in the project. Now to check with learning support with the words, spell, grammar and structure of my words is correctly.I  have change and the check for the evaluation in task 8 to publish as well.


I have ckecking the Reflective Visual Journal in the FMP (Final Major Project.

End of the FMP (Final Major Project in the Reflective Visual Journal.

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