Evaluation-Task 8

Finally, this is the stage of the FMP is the evaluation in task 8.

How well did you work to your proposed project requirements?

In this general, Yes it does work because I worked through it to the high standard of the final result, on the other hand, I set off by doing it two versions for the paper base, digital stick to the proposed project all times.

What issues (with the project) did you have to overcome?

In a nut shell, I had no issues in the project because though the project in software was smooth, the camera was smooth as well.

How well did you apply your research?

Although I used the research in the project, on the other hand, I used my mood board colours in the project. I used my primary research and the magazines that I found. I used layouts from any magazine I have done.

How well did you apply your understanding of the audience?

As my audience of the project because of the audience from the outside area of Kent, on the other hand, age is the 30 to 40 of the final result to be as well. I had a slight problem with the location of my target audience because they were outside of the Kent area. I fixed this problem by speaking with other people, as well as having a one to one with my tutor.

 How well did you plan your project?

As I see it because I plan my project by doing everything my self, on the other hand, is on time went ok first to deliver the project final result of the project. The one strengths are the experience with the software like the example Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 know that software from last, Adobe Lightroom CC taught me it from youtube other like the photoshop skills know it is in the Adobe Lightroom CC use. The final result uses paper as the materials and the techniques been used a different range been used.

No problems in the project, on the other hand, one solution that I needed to figure out was of that front cover and back cover images.

I would be improving that use my better source texts in the final result in the project.

What legal and ethical issues did you overcome in production?

At one point is no legal and ethical issues in the project because I have any here.

 How well did you manage your time?

Despite the fact that on set on time as the final result of the project and manage set this right time through this project.

What feedback have you received and how have you responded to this?

Even though that feedback is given from the tutor because by very responded this feedback on the other hand very well this feedback of the I have received.

One another feedback, because I did improve in the last versions then make new versions I did, on the other hand, the improve is better then I did as well.

Is your final work fit for purpose (explain how)?

Finally, the work fits the purpose because I used my project proposal all the set to do in the first place on the other hand work through the project everything is the project proposal in this project. I work through the project on my own on the other hand I work well this fit this purpose in the final work.

The technical qualities of your project

Gradually is the technology been used in the is very strong from the macs been used in this project then, own camera, on the other hand, the software is very good to use through the project.

I could improve how to use Adobe InDesign, Lightroom and the magazine layout proper in this project.

One material been is the matte paper from the external photocopy shop use to print.

Other techniques would in this project is the different layouts though the final result.

No problems through this project, on the other hand, some solutions in the software.

No barriers through this project.

What was the theme for the project?

I believe that the theme is the power of the project on the other hand last assignment to do as well.

How have you developed your ideas?

If developed my ideas through this project by doing all the research I have had to do.

What was your research and how did you use it?

In addition the I did research is the mood board ,colours ,primary research , the magazine been used I found and the layouts.

What materials, tools and techniques were used in the research you found? Have you utilised these in your own work?

In conclusion the materials I used the matte paper , the tools been used the software been used in.Nothing much use the research I found.I have use my own work.

How have your skills developed during the project? 

In general I used my skills through the project and learnet skils in the project.

How have you used formal elements such as line, shape, colour, space and texture?

In my view the formal elements been used in circles in the logo in the front cover , I used orange,blue, yellow of the colour on the other hand only texture been used in the white cliff/ in the beach hut.

How have you used principles such as Rule of thirds, modular grids, and hierarchy? 

In spite of I used my modular grids in the Adobe Indesign document been used on top of that I used the hierarchy in the final result because right hierarchy in the document.

 Is there anything you would change? Why?

Moreover, I would change source text in final result in the future.



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